Rain is a crucial ingredient for your lawn but let’s not forget about its counterpart-- sunlight! We tend to get ample amounts of it during the summer here in Alabama. It can greatly affect the health and look of your yard so let’s discuss how to measure the amount of sunlight your grass gets and how to keep your lawn looking fresh!
What kind of grass do you have (or looking to have)?Friends or enemies of the sun? Certain types of grass need more sun, while others do not tolerate direct sunlight well. While sunlight is a crucial ingredient for grass of any kind, too much or too little can cause harm to your lawn. It is necessary to understand how much sunlight is needed for your particular type of grass. Below are some common grass types and their preferred amount sunlight:
Tifway Bermuda: 6-8 hrs
Emerald and Z-52 Zoysia: 5-6 hours
Tiftuf/TifGrand Bermuda: 4-6hrs
Fescue: 2-4 hoursGrasses such as Bermuda tend to do better here in the South, since they thrive in long hours of sunlight. If your grass seems to be getting sourced or looks like it's dying, it may not be solely connected to watering but also from the sun and its tolerance of direct sunlight. Not sure what kind of grass you have? Is your yard more weeds than grass? Call DSLD for a landscape services consultation in Birmingham, AL to access your yard and its needs.